Case studies


Please take a look at our case studies


button debenhamPainting and decorating

Industrial rope access vs. scaffolding

Debenham's, Oxford Street, London, UK


button malibranWeather sealing

Industrial rope access vs. cradle

Rue Malibran, Ixelles, Brussels 

button ganshorenConcrete survey and repair

Industrial rope access vs. mobile platform

Ganshoren, Brussels, Belgium

button swimming poolPainting

Industrial rope access vs. scaffolding

Municipal swimming pool, St. Pieters Woluwe, Belgium

button galaxyAir sealing using industrial rope access

Galaxy Buildings, Brussels, Belgium



button ge plasticsSurveys

Industrial rope access vs. scaffolding

GE Plastics, Bergen-Op-Zoom, Netherlands








Capaxis had its roots in the UK, before relocating its main offices to Belgium. The company possesses operating centres in Brussels and Wavre and has considerable experience in national and international contracts. The history of the company as well as its structure enables us to adopt a flexible attitude and combines the technical possibilities of a company of our size and experience with the advantages of a local base.


Head Office
Krommeweg 31A
1640 Brussels (RSG)

Tel: +32 475 930232


Middle East Office